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Sacrament of Matrimony Poster

Sacrament of Matrimony Mosaic Poster (Folded)

50% off (While Supplies Last)
was $8.00 each now $4.00 each
(laminated posters not included)

18" x 24"

We chose mosaic as an art form to portray the ancient way of communicating. The setting is the Wedding Feast of Cana where Jesus performs his first miracle (changing water into wine). During the wedding feast they ran out of wine. Blessed Mother Mary approaches Jesus and tells him, “They have no wine.” Blessed Mother Mary tells the servant, “Do whatever He tells you.” Jesus tells the servant to fill the jars with water. Then He told the servant to draw some out and take it to the steward. The steward tasted the water and it turned into wine.

For the complete text of the Wedding Feast of Cana, read the Gospel of John, chapter 2 in your bible. To do God’s will and have a holy marriage, we follow what the Blessed Mother Mary tells us: “Do whatever God tells you.”

Not Laminated


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